Account Management - Guidance

Extend your subscription

To purchase more submissions, click on the ‘purchase more' link on your Subscriber Account page. (Only primary users / account holders are able to extend a subscription. Secondary users should contact their primary user to request any extension.)

This will take you to the Top-up your subscription page which shows your current charging option – – either ‘per entity’ or ‘per attempt’ – and your number of unused entities or attempts. (You are free to switch your charging option, but you cannot use both methods at the same time. To change your option, go to the Switch Charging Option page – see ‘Changing your charging option’ below for more information.)

Enter the additional number of entities or attempts you require on the Top-up page. The pricing that will apply to additional submissions is shown on the How to Subscribe page. Clicking ‘Top up’ will take the user to a secure payment page.

If you are interested in a Bulk Contract or wish to expand an existing Bulk Contract, please contact us via our Bulk Contracts enquiry page.

Renewing your subscription

Renewing a subscription is effectively the same as far as Surefile Accounts is concerned as extending a subscription.

Changing your charging option

You can switch their charging option from ‘per attempt’ to ‘per entity’ or vice versa through the Switch your charging option link on the Subscriber Account page.

  • Switching from per attempt to per entity charging: You will receive a monetary credit for any unused attempts, calculated according to current pricing for the number of attempts concerned. In calculating the number of entities this will cover, the monetary credit will be rounded down to the nearest whole number of entities. Switching to per entity charging may thus involve a very small monetary loss – but it may provide a more suitable basis for future submissions. (If you wish to switch from attempt pricing but only have one attempt left, this will be insufficient to cover one entity. In that case, you are best advised to use the attempt before switching.) In all calculations, the current pricing shown on How to Subscribe will apply.
  • Switching from per entity to per attempt charging: You will receive a monetary credit for any entities against which you have not filed submissions. Please note there is no monetary credit for entities on which submissions have been filed, even if only one submission has been filed for such an entity. The monetary credit for unused entities is calculated according to current pricing for the number of entities concerned. In calculating the number of attempts this will cover, the monetary credit will be rounded down to the nearest whole number of attempts. Switching to per attempt charging may thus involve a very small monetary loss – but it may provide a suitable basis for future submissions. In all calculations, the current pricing shown on How to Subscribe will apply.

E-mail address and password

To change your login details click on change password or change e-mail address. Note that you will need to enter your memorable place name in order to make a change. If you cannot recall your memorable place name, please use the Contact form, selecting ‘forgotten memorable data’ from the type of query. If you change your e-mail address, you will receive a confirmatory message to your old address.

Note that secondary users cannot directly change their e-mail address. Secondary users should contact their primary user if they wish to change their e-mail address.

If you are a primary user and receive a confirmatory message of an e-mail change but have not requested such a change, please contact SureFile Accounts immediately using our Contact form, since this may mean your account has been compromised. You may also wish to phone us via the number on the Company Details page. If you are a secondary user, you should contact your primary user / account manager.

Managing your users

The main user in an organisation (the account holder or ‘primary user’) may set up secondary users, who have their own login and can use the SureFile Accounts service.

This may be useful for larger organisations with a number of staff involved in preparing accounts or with a large number of accounts to file. Secondary users will have their own User Account Page through which they can make filings. This page will have the same features as the main Subscriber Account Page, except that it will not have ‘purchase more’ and ‘manage your users’ links.

The primary user sets up secondary users via the Manage your users page. Once the primary user has entered the contact e-mail and other information for the secondary user, the primary user will receive a password for the secondary user. The primary user is responsible for passing on this password to the secondary user. The secondary user will meanwhile receive an activation code by e-mail.

The secondary user will then be able to log in, using the password and activation code. The secondary user will only need the activation code when logging in for the first time. Secondary users are advised to change their password to a memorable item of information.

Primary users may apply the following options to secondary user accounts:

  • Limited account: a secondary user with a limited account cannot see the validation attempts of other users listed on their account page.
  • Private account: only the primary user can see the validation attempts of a secondary user with a private account.

The default setting is not limited and not private.

Primary users may delete secondary users and also force a reset of their passwords, if required. The primary user should pass the new password on to the secondary user, who will also receive an activation code.

A single purchasing and billing account can only have one primary user. It is not possible to have multiple primary users operating the same account.

Please see Terms and Conditions for more information on subscription to Surefile Accounts. All subscribers are required to accept these terms and legal provisions as a condition of subscription to the SureFile Accounts Service.